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Exclusively New

We set out on a journey to find the best ingredients, capture the wildest cultures, and explore the tastiest yeasts. We trekked through every orchard, every field, and left no SCOBY unturned until we held the perfect harvest. Then we formed it, crafted it, and shaped this oddly yeast into a hungry beast. As it grew, we fed it bits of ginger, bunches of lemons, and heaps of hibiscus.

In the wrong hands, this brewhouse venture could descend into havoc. But Chico Fermentation Project deftly turns risk into delicious reward. Customized equipment, solely natural and organic ingredients, mandatory cold storage—never a warm can. Strainge Beast, despite its sinister aura (stay alert), is hard kombucha with expert origins.
Thrashing with bold and bright flavours, the beast broke free. Will you feed your curiosity, before curiosity feeds on you?

Strainge Beast is rooted in a lifelong love of fermentation—its art, its madness, its taste. The creatures emerged at Chico Fermentation Project, an offshoot of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Here our brewers, with their wild imaginations, chase ideas and take on beastly challenges. And hard kombucha happens to be one helluvan undertaking. Alongside natural, organic fruits and botanicals are unwieldy strains of bacteria and yeast. It’s a tricky fusion, a Strainge Beast indeed, but that’s our sweet spot. The thrill of creating, of taming unruly science, defines our history of craft brewing excellence.

What is Hard Kombucha?
Kombucha starts with tea leaves and water, but it’s no mellow cup of herbs. Through a fermentation frenzy—a thrashing culture of bacteria and yeast—kombucha emerges bright and bubbly, winning taste buds with a refreshing tang.

Hard kombucha takes an extra step: a second round of fermentation creates alcohol, adding even more depth to an enchanting brew.
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